Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Day in the SNOW

It's been snowing since 4:30 in the morning for all I know, maybe even earlier. My friend invited me over to play in the snow at her house (she is my neighbor). She picked up me and two other friends (they're my neighbors too). We had an enormously exciting time building an inner tube runway with a jump. When we got freezing cold we each went down the runway 4 last times and went inside for hot cocoa and tea. After we finished our tea and hot cocoa, we played a little while and then my Mom picked me up. I couldn't stand staying in the house. I put my snow clothes right back on and ran outside. I made a runway at my house and went down it 4 times. After that, I made the starting of a snow fort. I got 2 layers down and then moved on to building a snowman. I heaved with all my might but I couldn't lift the middle part onto the base. My Mom suggested to make 2 but after that it was no use. I came inside, warmed up by the fire, and put my p.j.'s on. I sure had a marvelous day and now am exhausted!


  1. How fun!!! You must have received a lot, we just got a skiff. I remember building an igloo out of ice and snow with all the neighbor kids one winter when I was about 4th grade. It was the coldest and the most snow-packed winter I ever had and it was the BEST! Enjoy your tomorrow in the snow too!

  2. It snowed at my house too, but not as much. My brother and I managed to make a small penguin with an igloo on the patio table out of snow. And also we made a snowman on the lawn. It was cold, but fun. We came in and warmed up by the fire too! Your day sounded like fun!!!

  3. Hi Elle J and Banana,

    It was really fun playing in the snow!

    How did you make your igloo Elle J?

    It must have been really cool making a penguin Banana. I've never tried it. Was it fun?

    Hope you both have a great snow day tomorrow. See you on Tuesday.

  4. Hi there Dancer. I'm glad to hear that you had fun playing in the snow. We had a little bit of snow dusting last weekend, but nothing that really accumulated or stuck to the streets. It's supposed to be warm this week, so we probably won't get snow for awhile.

  5. hey dancer we have snow here too! It started to snow at 7:00 P.M. My family went out to try to catch snowflakes on our tounges. It was fun!!
